Maybe Fairlane, their is no blanket right or wrong way to leave, yet anyway we leave is the right way.
Elton John, ( Funneral for a friend / Love lies bleeding)
The roses in the window box
Have tilted to one side
Everything about this house
Is gonna grow old and die.
Oh it doesn't seem a year ago to this day
You said I'm sorry honey
If I dont change the pace
I can't face another day
I wonder if those changes
Have left a scar on you
Like all the burning hoops of fire
That you and I passed through.
Personally my leaving was much easier by attending Watford f.c, matches and having a community of 20,000 to connect with. I also enjoyed my on-line Chess community, because it gave me moves to think about during the day, before I revisited the game made my move and got checkmated.